Category Archives: Radio Show Links

Radio Show Links 6/17/16

This show starts with a discussion about the science of gun violence. I wish we didn’t have to talk about this, that we lived in a world where there were no mass shootings. Where guns were only used for hunting, and then only rarely and for subsistence. We’ll then The rest of the show features the regularly scheduled wrap-up of interesting science stories from the week.  Continue reading

Radio Show Links 5-27-16

Here are the links for this week’s show! This week we have stories from across the spectrum. Cephalopods, A possible new fundamental force of nature, and a possible end to animal testing among other stories. We’ll also talk about how the ‘superbug’ is not coming to kill us all just yet.  Continue reading

Links for 5/20/16

[archiveorg EvBased2016520 width=640 height=140 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]
Sappho Poem Date…19…18C.pdf

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