Evidence Based Radio, 12/01/17

Tonight I start by letting you know that zdoggmd, one of the YouTubers from the music episode is no longer to be recommended. Then we’ll start the night’s stories with a discussion on the ruins found under Lake Van in Turkey. We then talk about the discovery of the first tangible proof of Julius Caesar’s landing in England. We then move on to talk about a new snailfish found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. We then talk about two kinds of marine eyes that are unique. We then talk about the discovery of a cache of pterosaur eggs, and two stories about representations of extinct animals. And we finish up with a discussion of the brains of several carnivores including cats and dogs.

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Evidence Based Radio, 11/24/17

Scientific music to sooth your Scientific minds!

Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Look for Evidence Based Errata on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or stream on Evidencebasederrata.com

This podcast part of the Planetside Productions Network. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!

Evidence Based Radio, 11/10/17

Tonight we had a special interview with Dr. Sheila Jaswal and Anna Makar-Limanov ’20 of Amherst College who shared their experiences with a new initiative called Humans in STEM. Dr. Jaswal of the department of Chemistry and Megan Lyster, Asst Dir, Innovation & Experiential Learning Programs at the Center for Community Engagement have developed a curriculum aimed at exploring how students and faculty can better serve the full human experience of learning in STEM fields. The course aims to develop ways to increase diversity and support traditionally underserved student populations in STEM fields. A similar course has been developed at Yale University and will hopefully spread out to institutions throughout the country.


Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Look for Evidence Based Errata on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, or stream on Evidencebasederrata.com

Support Evidence Based Errata by donating to the tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/evidencebasederrata

Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/evidencebasederrata/4a22cde3-657c-4560-8277-7ac4ff81c069

This podcast part of the Planetside Productions Network. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!

Evidence Based Radio, 11/03/17

This show is dedicated to the memory of my little black cat, Meara, who passed on Friday afternoon. Tonight we’re talking animal stories. First off, a beluga who has learned to mimic or even potentially communicate with dolphins. Bees turn out to sometimes have a left or right handed preference. And life was lonely and dangerous for male mammoths. We then take a quick look at whether or not the dimetrodon that we all know and love has been depicted with the correct leg stance. We’ll then go back to living animals to talk about a new form of predation called kleptopredation and discuss the weird way in which shrews survive the harsh conditions of winter and also talk about a fish that can repair the damage to its brain from freezing in winter. Then we’ll talk about how baby bats learn to talk and how that might apply to humans. And finally, we take a moment to remember another great animal, Laika, the first animal to enter low earth orbit.

Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Look for Evidence Based Errata on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or stream on Evidencebasederrata.com

Support Evidence Based Errata by donating to the tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/evidencebasederrata

Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/evidencebasederrata/d48bc883-89c8-4332-a5f3-381009ee4abb

This podcast part of the Planetside Productions Network. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!

Evidence Based Radio, 10/27/17


Tonight we’re talking about scary stories for the Halloween season. First we’ll talk about whether you should really be taking that Vitamin B supplement, point out an actual evil of Monsanto and DuPont and talk about Capitalism vs. Science. We’ll discuss just how much we can tell from a new study on German insects and then dive into two stories about blood and finish up with a description of the “Gates of Hell” in Turkmenistan and the tale of two local witches! Stay safe this Halloween! Science Responsibly!

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Evidence Based Radio, 10/20/17

This week we start out with a few announcements. After that we start the night by revisiting a story from last week and find that Viking script may not have been found on ribbons from a burial site – this is a great lesson in skepticism and confirmation bias. Next I give my opinion on the case against the Bladensburg Peace Cross. Then we have a couple of stories related to evolution, talk about a breakthrough in finding some of the missing matter in the universe, take a second to talk about the fact that scientists can now prove that alligators occasionally eat sharks, discuss dogs facial expressions in response to human notice, and lament the latest attack on basic science by Rand Paul.

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Evidence Based Radio, 10/13/17

Tonight we start with a soapbox reflection on prison workers and then on to science with a look at the Nocebo effect, potential mushroom bodies in Mantis Shrimp, salty Australian birds, calm some fears about the Yellowstone super volcano, and then return to a favorite subject- archeology with two stories: a newly deciphered text describing a mysterious people that may or may not be authentic and a new discovery of Arabic script on several Viking grave garments.

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Evidence Based Radio, 10/06/17

Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Previous episodes can be found at Evidencebasederrata.com

This podcast part of the Planetside Productions Network. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!

Support Evidence Based Errata by donating to the tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/evidencebasederrata

Evidence Based Radio, 9/29/17

Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Previous episodes can be found at Evidencebasederrata.com

Support Evidence Based Errata by donating to the tip jar.

This podcast is a production of Planetside Productions. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!

Evidence Based Radio, 9/22/17

Listen to the live broadcast, every Friday at 6pm – only on Valley Free Radio, WXOJ-LP 103.3fm or streaming on valleyfreeradio.org

Previous episodes can be found at Evidencebasederrata.com

Support Evidence Based Errata by donating to the tip jar.

This podcast is a production of Planetside Productions. Visit Planetside.pro to find other Planetside Podcasts!